ISELP stands for International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology and is an organization of veterinarians focused on lameness in the equine athlete. This organization was founded under the direction of Dr. Jean-Marie Denoix in 2006 and continues to grow. The goal of ISELP is to provide extensive knowledge, techniques, diagnostics, and therapeutic information on the most current practices, which are continually evolving within the field of Equine Sports Medicine.
Before becoming an ISELP-certified member, equine veterinarians must have completed multiple requirements to qualify to complete the certification examination. Veterinarians must have five years of equine practice experience and present a number of documented cases, submit multiple scientific paper reviews, and have completed all ISELP modules and wet labs. This rigorous path allows you to complete an intense certification exam resulting in becoming an ISELP-Certified Practitioner.
This means the ISELP-certified members have years of extensive advanced education and training compared to non-ISELP certified veterinarians. Certified Members have knowledge and experience in equine sports medicine. Their active participation in the advancement of equine locomotor pathology is recognized by the scientific and academic communities. ISELP-certified members are highly qualified veterinarians specializing in advanced sports medicine.